CIVIS Committees

It takes many dedicated voices to effect change
and many hands working together to bring about solutions.
Each tab represents a committee in Civis4Reform. All Welcome!
Nature & Environment
Family Care
Health & Wellness
Nature & Environment

All things pertaining to the issues concerning the health and well-being of our surroundings.
Toxic chemical spraying, weather modification, 5G towers, ‘Smart’ meters, etc are a few of the topics that are forefront and being worked on in this committee at the moment. If you would like to contribute your voice, knowledge, skills or abilities to help on this committee let us know. ALL skills are needed and Welcome. Canada needs MANY helping hands and voices, will you lend this country yours today? More InformationFamily Care

Everything to do with protecting Family!
School curriculums and Parental Rights are the topic of highlight in this committee at the moment but all topics are open for discussion. More InformationHealth & Wellness

All things related to Health of the Body, Mind and Soul covered under the banner of this committee.
Currently, focus is on the pending restrictions to natural health products and manufacturing across Canada. Limiting access to personal well-being and natural healthcare products and services. If you have knowledge on any realm of Health and would like to contribute on this committee, please sign up! More InformationMedia

Do you enjoy networking? Sharing content via social media channels?
This is a place where you can contribute your skills and a little bit of time. We need to spread the word about what we are doing throughout Canada. Are you willing to contribute a few hours a week to help? Join the network today!More Information
Would you like to lend a hand in a committee?
Utilize your voice, skills and abilities to assist
in Stepping Up and Speaking Out for Canada!