Co-Founders of Civis4 Reform

Martin Brodmann, Nova Scotia

I am originally from Switzerland and moved to Canada in 1991. I had the privilege to be raised in one of the most democratic countries, where civic duties and responsibilities dominated my life from a young age. 

The past 30 plus years gave me the opportunity to be part of various, and diverse, business adventures. The cultural backgrounds I experienced, and  interacted with internationally, were in financial, economic and political engagements. This experience further strengthened my understanding how our corrupt systems function. 

Working against the narrative in this complex environment, helped me recognize the importance of being a focused, accountable and transparent leader in our three pillar, civis4reform methodology. A governance reform based on integrity, accountability, transparency, community citizens assemblies, civic duties and responsibilities.

Marc Udeschini, Ottawa, Ontario

Now living in the nation’s capital, it seems I have been preparing all my life for this pivotal period in our country’s history.  Throughout the weeks of February 2022 I was given a special opportunity to participate and serve the needs of the truckers.  This included providing food, fuel and medical assistance to the heroes of the Convoy.  Working side by side with so many great Canadians, during one of our country’s proudest moments.  An experience that touched me deeply and one I will never forget.   

A career of entrepreneurial experience ranging from technology, manufacturing, construction, consulting to a brief tenure in banking has given me the perspective needed to help reform our political system of governance.  

Our Story

In February 2022, by the time the Trucker protest in Ottawa ended, many of us were unsure what would come next. 

Over the next several months, what initially started as a protest movement against government overreach, a long period of soul searching began for thousands. 

Struggling to discover the pathway forward, through the summer months of 2022 and into the fall, a number of conversations took place on how we could make a difference. 

It became clear to us, the answer was to bring reform and it could begin in communities across the country. Our plans began and evolved to envision creating a network of local councils linked through a national council.

To lay the foundation to this network, we named the council: The Community Accountability and Transparency Councils or CATCs for short. Throughout the fall of 2022 the Founding Statement emerged describing the model and its vision of the CATCs network. 

Our first meeting took place on December 21, 2022 with 10 participants from across the country. These national council ‘meet and greet’ meetings have been held every Wednesday since. Council members, and guests, have the opportunity to connect across Canada to share their insights, knowledge, abilities and skills each week.

The first phase CATCs, and a website, was launched to share our model. 

In the summer of 2023, a decision was made to re-brand CATCs to Civis4reform. This change better reflects our expanding model, which we playfully called ‘the Big Idea.’ 

Launched in Ottawa, growing across Canada, our ‘Big Idea’ is steadily expanding coast to coast.